Fridays at Newcomb: Daughters and Domestics: Examining our reliance on gendered and racialized labor in the medical workplace — LaTonya Trotter

Date: Friday November 1st 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

LaTonya J. Trotter is an Associate Professor of Bioethics and Humanities within the University ofWashington’s (UW) School of Medicine and is an affiliate investigator at the UW Center for HealthWorkforce Studies. As a sociologist and bioethicist, she takes an institutional view of ethics byconsidering how social and workplace institutions shape notions of responsibility and what constitutes“good” or ethical decisions by both health care professionals and lay providers of care. She takes upthese and other questions in her award-winning book, More Than Medicine: Nurse Practitioners and theProblems They Solve for Patients, Health Care Organizations, and the State (2020). Her work hasreceived awards sponsored by the American Public Health Association, the British SociologicalAssociation, the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the American Sociological Association.


Sponsored By: Newcomb Institute, Newcomb Institute
Open To: Public
Admission: Free
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