Student Organizations

Newcomb Institute sponsors more than 20 student-run organizations, all of which vary in their focus area, but are committed to our mission, advancing gender equity, and facilitating equitable gender representation in professional career fields. These organizations foster a supportive environment where students can develop leadership abilities and professional skillsets. Membership and participation in all student organization events are open to all Tulane students. Newcomb-sponsored student organizations have access to staff advisors, activity funding, and use of our event space in The Commons.

Black Women’s Society (BWS)

Black Women’s Society is an organization that works to increase awareness of important issues that affect Black women on Tulane's campus. The organization nurtures development and encourages involvement. The women of Black Women’s Society pride themselves on leadership, encourage initiative, promote community, and provide a home for people of color with similar interests. 

Follow BWS on Instagram.

Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD)

ALD is a national honor society that recognizes first-year students who attain a 3.5 GPA and are in the top 20% of their class during their first semester of college. The Newcomb chapter is involved with several service projects on and around campus, and also organizes fun off-campus activities for ALD members like attending the New Orleans School of Cooking and Rock 'n Bowl. For more information, email

Follow Alpha Lambda Delta on Instagram.

Biomedical Innovation for Global Impact (BIG Impact)

Tulane BIG Impact is established for the purpose of bringing students together to learn about global health issues that may be impacted by empathetic and human-centered design. By focusing on these issues through a Biomedical Engineering and Public Health lens, BIG Impact fosters interdisciplinary exploration of global health crises in developing countries and explores technological, governmental, and financial barriers that people in these nations face. 

Follow BIG Impact on Facebook.

Feminist Alliance of Students at Tulane (FAST)

FAST is an alliance of students dedicated to intersectional feminism and the values that it upholds. FAST members believe in the social, economic, and political equality of all genders, races, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. For more information, email

Follow FAST on Facebook.

Her Campus Tulane

Her Campus Tulane is an online magazine for college women that individualizes its content college-by-college by establishing My Campus branches at schools across the country. With content on Style, Health, Love, DormLife, Career, and World, supplemented by campus-specific content, Her Campus Tulane specializes in the Tulane experience and is written and managed entirely by Tulane students. For more information, email

Follow Her Campus on Instagram.

Follow Her Campus on Facebook.

Instagram: herstheirsours

Facebook: Hers, Theirs, Ours

Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and service. Mortar Board members represent the top scholars and leaders on their campuses. Male and female students apply as juniors and are selected by the current senior membership. Since its establishment in 1918, nearly a quarter of a million members have been initiated at 226 chartered chapters across the nation. For more information, email

Follow Mortar Board on Facebook.

Newcomb Prison Project

Newcomb Prison Project is an organization that provides educational opportunities to engage students, staff, and faculty in issues related to prison and criminal justice reform. They also work closely with service-learning classes and the Center for Public Service, as well as Newcomb Institute, to organize student-led programming with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in the New Orleans area.

Instagram: newcombprisonproject

Follow Newcomb Prison Project on Facebook.

Newcomb Senate

Newcomb Senate serves as the liaison between the past and present Newcomb student body of Tulane University. The organization preserves Newcomb traditions as they support the current vision of Newcomb Institute while seeking to incorporate new traditions that promote strength and growth. In addition, Newcomb Senate promotes Newcomb spirit and active engagement in Newcomb Programs. Newcomb Senate works to support all women on campus and to illuminate issues that women face within University Student government. All undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in Newcomb Senate by attending monthly Town Hall Meetings and joining committees. Elections for upperclassmen positions are held in the spring semester, and two freshmen representatives are elected at the beginning of the fall semester. For more information, email​​​​​.


Instagram: newcombsenate

Facebook: Tulane University's Newcomb Senate.

One Love Tulane

One Love Tulane seeks to increase awareness among Tulane students about issues of relationship violence, and available resources in and around the community. They aim to become a point of reference for Tulane students for information on relationship violence and related issues, such as sexual misconduct, and to provide prevention education and start conversations on campus pertaining to healthy relationships via workshops, social media campaigns and tabling on campus. They welcome anyone who wishes to join this important movement. For more information, visit

Instagram: onelovetulane

Facebook: One Love at Tulane.

Society of Women Engineers

Society of Women Engineers is an organization that inspires students to achieve their full potential as engineers. Tulane's chapter focuses on supporting, encouraging, and providing women engineers, and members of the STEM community, with the means to succeed throughout their college career and beyond. The SWE chapter provides outreach opportunities within the greater New Orleans community with the hope of inspiring young girls to pursue STEM programs. The executive board has bi-weekly meetings where they discuss, plan, and coordinate future general body meetings, study help, professional development, and more. For more information, email

Facebook: Tulane Society of Women Engineers.

Students United for Reproductive Justice (SURJ)

Students United for Reproductive Justice (SURJ) is a new student-initiated group that started in 2014, created to educate and mobilize students in support of reproductive health and rights. SURJ seeks to be a strong pro-choice organization on campus offering students an opportunity for feminist driven political activism. For more information, email

Instagram: surjtulane

Facebook: SURJ: Students United For Reproductive Justice.

Tulane American Medical Women's Association (TAMWA)

Tulane American Medical Women’s Association is an organization with the purpose of bringing together people who are interested in the advancement of women in medicine and the improvement of women’s health. Through volunteerism and supporting those pursuing a career in healthcare, they hope to provide, as well as develop, advocacy, leadership, and education. Membership and participation in events are open to all Tulane students.

Follow TAMWA on Instagram: tulaneamwa

Tulane International Society

The Tulane International Society (TIS) focuses on bringing an awareness of global affairs to Tulane's campus, especially relating to issues that affect women's lives around the world. They organize discussions, speakers, and culture-sharing events that touch on a multitude of interests and majors, including Public Health, Latin American Studies, African and African Diaspora Studies and International Development. In doing so, they strive to create friendships and connections between international students and the greater Tulane community. TIS ultimately serves as a forum for the exchange of culturally and intellectually stimulating ideas, discussions, and projects. For more information, email

Instagram: tulaneinternationalsocietyclub

Facebook: Tulane International Society.

Tulane University Ladies' A Cappella (TULA)

Tulane University Ladies' A Cappella (TULA) is an all-female organization that strives to empower the voices of collegiate women through music. The TULA ladies perform throughout the year both on Tulane stages and in the greater New Orleans area. Each semester, TULA hosts an end-of-semester concert and also performs at events alongside Tulane's other a cappella groups, most notably at Tulane's Homecoming A Cappella Concert every fall. They sing anything and everything, from Bollywood/American pop mash-ups to Bonnie Raitt to Usher to the Beach Boys. For more information, email

Instagram: tula_acappella

Facebook: TULA - Tulane University Ladies A Cappella.

Tulane Women in Architecture

Tulane Women in Architecture (TWIA) reflects the interests of women students in the School of Architecture and the greater body of undergraduate students of Newcomb-Tulane, aiming to enhance not only their educational and professional experiences but also the balance between their personal and professional lives. TWIA reflects women in the architectural community and the world they connect to. For more information, email

Instagram: tulanewomeninarchitecture

Facebook: Tulane Women in Architecture.

Tulane Women in Business

Women in Business started in 2011 for students interested in pursuing careers in professional business fields, regardless of academic major. Their meetings and events strive to increase students' interview and networking skills while allowing them to develop relationships with distinguished professionals and faculty members. For more information, email

Instagram: tulanewomeninbusiness

Facebook: Tulane Women In Business.

Tulane Women in Politics

Women in Politics is a student organization geared towards students interested in politics, government, law, and public policy. Students are welcome from all political backgrounds and belief systems. Activities include practicing leadership through action, lively discussions on the role of women in politics, co-sponsoring speakers and involvement with civic projects. For more information, email

Instagram: tulanewip

Facebook: Tulane Women in Politics.

Tulane Women in Science

Women in Science is a nationally affiliated organization that works to connect women with faculty and peers interested in the sciences. Throughout the year, the group sponsors events such as faculty speakers, panels, and volunteer activities including Upward Bound, Science Fairs at local schools and Children's Hospital. Membership and participation in events are open to all Tulane students. For more information, email

Instagram: tulanewis

Facebook: Tulane Women In Science.

Tulane Equity in Technology

Equity in Technology acts as a dynamic resource for the campus by providing space for feminist-minded technologists of all majors and interests to connect with an interdisciplinary community of like-minded peers. Students are welcome from all majors and those with all levels of technology abilities. Within this group, students are encouraged to explore social and cultural issues involving technology and interdisciplinary applications of technology innovation through curriculum and service. EIT provides open-access skills-building workshops, co-sponsors speakers, organizes screenings and reading groups, advocates for policy change, and provides outreach and networking opportunities. For more information, email

Instagram: tulanewit

Facebook: Tulane University Women in Technology.

Women Investing in Women

Women Investing in Women is an organization for students interested in careers related to financial services, including investment management, asset management, and investment banking. The mission of this organization is to provide a space for students to learn about the experience of women leading in the financial services sector, get experience in financial services as well as network with finance professionals around the New Orleans area and popular financial cities, including Chicago and New York City. We do this by having educational workshops, informational presentations, speaker events, and networking events that are all geared towards getting more women into the financial services industry.

Instagram: wiwtulane

Women and Youth Supporting Each Other

Women and Youth Supporting Each Other (WYSE) is a curriculum-based mentorship program that provides young women with the resources, information and support necessary to make informed decisions about relationships, sexuality, and their futures in order to create community change. Tulane WYSE works with middle-school girls at Langston Hughes Academy. For more information, email

Instagram: tulane.wyse.

Student Organizations