Newcomb Institute provides grant funding to Tulane faculty members for projects that connect to the Institute’s mission of advancing gender equity research and scholarly outputs. By gender equity research or scholarly work, we mean work that can offer insight and solutions to advance respect and equal opportunity for all people regardless of gender and inclusive of all gender groups, including women/girls, men/boys, and those beyond the gender binary.
We are open to any area of focus on issues of gender equity, but we would value applications focused on Newcomb Institute’s current priority areas:
- elimination of gender-based violence
- advancement of sexual and/or reproductive health and justice
- feminist civic engagement and leadership.
We also welcome proposals that demonstrate a focus on improved gender representation in fields or areas that currently see under-representation of certain gender groups.
In this round of funding, we will prioritize applications from Newcomb Faculty Affiliates and proposals that include community engagement, undergraduate research assistants, or that can benefit New Orleans and/or the Gulf South.
We encourage applications from faculty across all areas of discipline – including arts and humanities, social sciences, health/medicine, engineering, business, and law/policy -- and will strive for representation of projects from across diverse disciplines. This call is open to faculty of all ranks, both tenure and non-tenure track, and from all schools at Tulane. We hope to fund at least one research grant from each school: Liberal Arts, Public Health, Science and Engineering, Law, Social Work, Medicine, Business, and Professional Advancement.
Faculty grants can fall into these categories:
- Research: support for a faculty member’s research projects related to gender equity. These funds can be used for data collection, exhibition of work, or other research related expenses. For research grant requests, we want to see how the proposed work advances the understanding of gender equity or the implementation of gender equity approaches to improve society. Please note in your proposal what scholarly product(s) are anticipated from this work.
- Undergraduate Research Interns: These grants support up to two undergraduate students to work on a faculty member’s research project. The research project should have a gender equity focus, and the faculty member should be committed to providing a mentored research experience for the students.
- Teaching: support for enhancing the classroom experience for courses that have a gender equity focus, for example, through strengthening curricula or bringing in class speakers to expand the inclusion of gender equity discourse. We also would support teaching grants to add a gender equity focuses to courses that have not previously included such a focus. Please note in your proposal how this support can strengthen course curricula for your department in terms of building a gender equity focus.
- Special Initiative: support for co-curricular experiences on or off campus, such as guest speakers, taking students to conferences, or other kinds of initiatives which have significant undergraduate student engagement that are not directly connected to classroom teaching or an individual faculty member’s research.
Please include information on timelines and expected products in your proposal submission.
The Newcomb Institute will consider proposals submitted during these cycles:
- Fall cycle – deadline to submit is October 15, 2024.
- Spring cycle – deadline to submit is March 15, 2025.
Please note these guidelines:
- A faculty member may submit one proposal per academic year.
- The maximum funding amounts are as follows
- Research Grants: $5000
- Undergraduate Research Interns: $5000
- Teaching grants: $2500
- Special initiatives: $10,000
- We anticipate funding up to 10-12 faculty grants this round.
- To ensure we can offer funding across the maximum number of applicants with strong proposals, we will not consider grants that exceed these levels of funding.
- Please include information on timelines and expected products (publications, presentations, future grant proposals, etc.) in your proposal submission.
- Funding awarded in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 should be for projects completed before June 30, 2026.
- All grant-related work should be completed during the period of funding, and a grant report is due at the conclusion of the grant-funded period. Grant reporting form: . Future grant funding decisions may take into consideration the completion and quality of work, as well as the demonstrated value of the effort, as reflected in this report and resultant projects.
- Grant recipients must credit Newcomb Institute in papers, presentations, or publicity connected with the funded project.
- As noted above, we encourage submissions that align with the Newcomb Institute's priorities under the current mission. These include:
- elimination of gender-based violence
- advancement of sexual and/or reproductive health and justice
- feminist civic engagement and leadership
- For this year, we will prioritize applications that include community engagement, undergraduate research assistants, and can benefit New Orleans and/or the Gulf South.
Applicant should incorporate each of these values into the project, and the proposal must clearly describe each:
- Support of the Newcomb Institute's mission (highest priority)
- Student involvement (if applicable)
- Community involvement (if applicable)
Grant Reporting:
At the conclusion of your grant project, please submit a grant report via this form: