Continuing the legacy of the first coordinate women’s college in the United States, the Newcomb Institute pioneers groundbreaking academic research and training aimed at advancing gender equity. Situated at the heart of Tulane University, we collaborate with undergraduate students and faculty from across campus, as well as with local and global community partners and government entities to drive meaningful impact.
Research • Action • Change
for Gender Equity
Newcomb Institute Vision
A world without gender barriers in which all people are empowered to live with dignity and agency.

Newcomb Institute is leading the way in gender equity research and women’s empowerment by contributing evidence for social change and preparing the next generation of gender equity scholars and leaders.
Newcomb Institute Research Priorities
Our multidisciplinary feminist approach involves generating scholarly work, convening stakeholders, and documenting histories of people who have faced systematic gender-based marginalization. Through this work, we generate knowledge and evidence-based solutions that address the barriers faced by women, girls, and gender-diverse people and consider how restrictive gender norms harm all people, including men and boys. In collaboration with academic institutions, policymakers, and civil society organizations we advocate for policies and practices that promote gender equity and inclusivity.
Priority areas for research and training (2023-2028):
- Protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Prevention of gender-based and discriminatory violence, including intimate partner violence, sexual harassment and sexual assault, and homophobic and transphobic discrimination
- Strengthening feminist civic and community engagement through development of student leaders and community members as change agents
Newcomb Institute Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence at the Newcomb Institute consists of systematic and sustained efforts to create a supportive and responsive environment where students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and community members of all backgrounds and identities can contribute and thrive. We strive to proactively identify and address inequalities and celebrate the differences afforded by (but not limited to) race, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, socio-economic background, age, ability, body type, and national origin. We will be active partners and allies to other entities on campus, working to make the Tulane community more inclusive and diverse. We commit to research, teaching, and student and community engagement that is equitable and anti-oppressive.
In response to and recognition of Newcomb College’s historical exclusion of non-white women and those who have been historically marginalized on the basis of their gender, we consider our diversity and inclusion efforts to be a crucial matter of social justice. We welcome feedback on these efforts.
Tulane University is All In to combat sexual violence. Learn more about what you can do to be a part of All In on this website.
Tulane University affirms the right of all students to access an education free of sexual violence. The All In website brings together information, resources, and opportunities to empower our campus community in our efforts to prevent, intervene in, and respond to acts of sexual violence.
EThe Choctaw, Houma, Chitimacha, Biloxi, and other Native peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. Their identities are inextricably connected to this place. With gratitude and honor, Tulane University pays tribute to the original inhabitants of this land.
The city of New Orleans was not built upon virgin soil, but merely served as a continuation of a great indigenous trade hub known in Choctaw as Bulbancha, "the place of other tongues”. For thousands of years, people lived along the Mississippi River, and Bulbancha served as a place for diverse cultures to come together. We acknowledge the grounds of our campus and the city around us as home to numerous tribes before and after the arrival of Europeans.
The tradition of community and sharing demonstrated by indigenous peoples enabled European immigrants to survive in a foreign environment and has influenced New Orleans and southeastern culture since colonization began. From food and music to art and language, Native Americans continue to leave their mark on our city and academic community.
We recognize that as a result of broken treaties and involuntary removals, Native Americans were often forced from their lands. We remember and pay respect to the communities impacted by these actions.
Yet, the resilient voices of Native Americans are still heard and remain an inseparable part of our local culture. In that spirit, we acknowledge the indigenous nations that have lived and continue to thrive here.
Pronunciation Guide
Choctaw [chaak·taa]
Houma [how·muh]
Chitimacha [chi·tee·maa·chuh]
Tunica [too·ni·kuh]
Biloxi [buh·luhk·see]
Bulbancha [bull·ban·chah]
To learn more about the importance of our land acknowledgement, please visit: Tulane Land Acknowledgement.