Feminist Camp
Meet Juliet Chen! She is a sophomore in the Newcomb Scholars Program and aspires to be a Director.
Describe yourself and why you wanted to attend the Feminist Camp:
My name is Juliet Chin and I am a devoted feminist. I am someone who deeply believes in and supports the need for education in the sciences, math, and especially the arts. I wanted to attend Feminist Camp because women need to unite. The more women band together and work together to share ideas, goals, and inspiration, the more we thrive.
Describe your favorite parts of the conference:
I loved the variety of different speakers and groups we talked to. I do not know how they managed to fit that many speakers into two days with such ease, but they did!
Highlight information you learned on reproductive health and reproductive justice:
A goal of SURGE and a key goal for the future of reproductive justice is representation. The ability to have representatives communicate and advocate are necessities for any movement, especially those regarding race and gender. This made me analyze clubs and organizations at school and in my local life in order to see their point in action. A voice cannot be heard if it is not in the room in the first place.
Detail what you learned that you hope to never forget:
I learned how in control I can be in my career, as a woman. We met with such a variety of different women all doing different things and coming from vastly different backgrounds, and all of them chose what they wanted to do. They were doing the things they loved and were passionate about, and that was incredibly comforting and inspiring to see.
Why should other students attend a Feminist Camp:
Other students should attend Feminist Camp to meet cool, killer women, learn from and interact with activist inspirations, and challenge their feminist beliefs to grow and expand.
Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Tulane undergraduate students can apply to NCI for funding to attend Feminist Camp. Email Betsy Lopez at elopez@tulane.edu for more information.
Responses have been lightly edited for length and clarity.