Feminist Camp
Meet Emma Weisner! She is a sophomore in the Newcomb Scholars Program who is studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Describe yourself and why you wanted to attend the Feminist Camp:
Being a feminist is a really important part of my identity and something I’m always interested in learning more about. Female scholarship and activism are both so empowering and help me become a better person. Also. the Seattle Camp focused a lot on women in the arts, and I love performing comedy, so I was excited to hear different women’s perspectives on the role of feminism in their art.
Describe your favorite parts of the conference:
I loved meeting with SURGE, a reproductive justice group, and NARAL, a pro-choice activist group. It was interesting to hear their different perspectives on women’s healthcare and what reproductive freedom looks like.
Highlight information you learned on reproductive health and reproductive justice:
I loved hearing our guest from SURGE describe reproductive justice as the health of the community, not just the health of a woman’s reproductive system. She described the struggles of marginalized communities as a whole. These communities will not be well physically or emotionally until the lives of all members are improved.
Detail what you learned that you hope to never forget:
I hope I remember how quickly I formed bonds with the other women at camp, and how inspiring it is to work with and learn from feminists!
Why should other students attend a Feminist Camp:
Feminist Camp is a wonderful chance to travel and meet amazing young feminists from across the country. In addition, you get to speak directly with leaders of interesting and valuable groups and learn the heart of issues plaguing women globally. It’s a great place to get informed and get ready to take action on important feminist concerns.
Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Tulane undergraduate students can apply to NCI for funding to attend Feminist Camp. Email Betsy Lopez at elopez@tulane.edu for more information.
Responses have been lightly edited for length and clarity.