Interning for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

I am Rachel Blume, a rising junior from Westchester, NY (just outside of Manhattan) and I am studying Political Science International Relations and Social Policy and Practice with a minor in Psychology. For my internship this summer, I will have the honor of working in Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s district office in New York City. I will be working with her staff to address the needs of constituents throughout the state. I am looking forward to working for such a strong female leader who is making meaningful change for our nation. My five learning objectives for this summer are:

  1. Learn how to adapt in a fast-paced work environment
  2. Understand how contributing to a small piece of a bigger project can make an impact even if you do not see direct results.
  3. See the role women have to influence change in policy.
  4. How to effectively advocate for issues that are important to me.
  5. Build a network of peers and mentors to help me in my future career.

Senator Gillibrand has been effective in passing meaningful legislation through her determination, negotiating skills and comprising. Her commitment to social justice for women by way of her new bills and supported legislation has had a positive impact on shaping current policies that give women the opportunity to be successful. My work this summer will further my ability to adapt to situations in a fast-paced and ever-changing political environment that requires attention to detail while maintaining a focus of the bigger goals. Senator Gillibrand’s commitment to the promotion democratic values and social justice will make her office a rewarding place to intern and full of promises for enrichment and growth.

My passion for achieving equality for women and my awareness of how great of a challenge this is fuels my drive to become part of the political system. Through the internship with Senator Gillibrand I will be able to gain perspective of what it like to be a woman in Congress and how to bring forth change in key policy areas. I am excited about the prospect of working with Senator and the like-minded people in her office. I believe that my passion for social change, my advocacy experience and my relentless determination would make me a valuable member of the Senator’s team. I look forward to developing my professional skills through my public service.