New Beginnings at IWES
Hi! I’m Kennedy Williams and a rising senior at Tulane. This is my third RRRH session. I spent the last two semesters with the New Orlean’s Children’s Advocacy Center. I worked there for a year, and grew to love all the people and work I did. This summer, I began a new internship at the Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies.
The office is downtown with a view that seems to show the entire city. It has been an experience like no other. I’ve never worked in such a diverse workplace. The employees have been more than welcoming and helpful. I’ve learned so much from them about where they started and how they ended up working for IWES. Everyone has such a different background, and they all come together to make such a great team. It feel so great to be apart of.
I have been spending my days doing research about comprehensive sex education in the United States and how it reaches (or doesn’t reach) many different communities. The research is enlightening, but not so surprising. I’m excited to work with a team that is dedicated to expanding sex ed to a community that has overlooked in past curricula. Stay tuned!