Thank you, Check It.
When I started my internship with Check It back in the spring of 2019, I had no idea it would grow to be such an important part of my Tulane experience. In fact, before this internship entered my life, I never considered myself to be any type of researcher. I did not have the confidence in myself to be capable of real academic research. However, this internship has helped me grow so much.
I am so excited to announce that, because of the RRRH internship, I have gained the skills and faith in myself to decide to do an Honors Thesis. For all of this upcoming year, I will be analyzing my own topic and data within the Check It project to create my thesis. I will be looking at partner notification and communication about Expedited Partner Therapy for treatment of chlamydia. At the same time, I will be continuing my internship with Check It, which will continue to be assisting Dr. Alyssa Lederer with her qualitative research within the project.
I am so excited and honored to be able to gain these invaluable skills. Even more than that, I am beyond grateful to have gained such a strong mentorship relationship with Dr. Lederer. She has helped me grow and inspired me to do my own research within the field.
It is going to be such an exciting year with the Check It team!