Summer Internship in NYC- Architecture
Hello! My name is Allison Conn. I am an Architecture major with a SLAMM minor. I am going into my 5th year of the 5 year Master in Architecture Program. Growing up in Connecticut, I frequently commented to New York City whenever I had the chance. I am really excited about the opportunity to live and work in New York this summer! I will be interning this summer at WeWork.
My 5 learning objectives for the summer are:
- Through studying architecture at Tulane, we learn a lot about how to make an efficient or ecofriendly building for a specific climate and/or neighborhood. However, I don’t usually focus on a singular user. One of my learning objectives for the summer would be to learn to design to meet an individual person or client’s needs in order to make a more functional and appealing workspace. I find it really empowering as an architect or designer to be able to say that someone is excited about working every day in a space that I designed. Studies have shown that if people have nicer work spaces, they have a lower absentee rate than people who have duller or more brutalist work spaces.
- I would also like to learn about how to encourage community work though architectural planning. WeWork successfully does this though their open floor plans, which allow for more collaboration than other traditional offices. Their open floor plans allow for more diversity of thought in each organization or project.
- My third goal is to gain experience in producing drawings using Revit. Revit is one of the most commonly used computer programs in architectural offices; however, we only have the opportunity to take one course in it at Tulane. Revit is an architectural program which allows for the user to produce a 3D model, which then generates 2D drawings such as floor plans, sections, elevations, and renderings to create efficiency for the user.
- My fourth goal is to gain experience working in a larger firm. During my previous summers, I worked in smaller firms, which required a lot of outsourcing. WeWork has on site engineers, construction managers, interior designers, and more. By having these other professionals at the same company, it becomes clear as to what is needed from the architects for other professionals.
- Finally, I would like to further my architectural skills. My previous internships have been in interior design and real estate, which were incredibly helpful in gaining a different perspective on architecture; however, I would like the opportunity to directly apply my field of study.
This internship directly relates to NCI’s mission to educate undergraduate women for leadership in the 21st century. Through my internship, I will learn how to create architecture with a community and user focus while also developing my computer skills.
I am preparing for my internship at the moment. I recently found an apartment and signed my lease. The apartment is located close to a subway which will make my commute very simple. I also have the opportunity to walk through New York on the way to work every day and look at the amazing architecture.