Starting my Next Semester with Lift
Hi! I’m Janna Mangasep, and I’ll be continuing my internship with Lift Louisiana for the Spring semester. I am a sophomore studying Political Economy with a minor in Mathematics and SLAMM (Management). With Lift, I work primarily on communications. However, I’ve also had the pleasure of expanding my professional horizons through conducting an informal research study on the availability of emergency contraception in Louisiana’s ERs for sexual assault survivors. All in all, I’ve been lucky enough to accomplish and carry out several assignments in a whole range of fields.
It’s only been a few days since I started working again, but I – along with my fellow interns – had the exciting opportunity to present the projects we had done over the course of the last semester with our respective organizations. My poster mainly touched on the infographics I got to make as a communications intern and the aforementioned EC in ERs project. At Conceiving Equity (the annual Roe v. Wade lecture), I stood in front of my poster with my infographics printed out and laminated to show whomever came by. By talking with the people interested in my work, I received great feedback on how I could further improve on my study to better account for the fast-paced environment of ERs. For example, many people raised ethical questions about my potentially posing as someone in need of EC instead of presenting myself as an intern conducting a survey. Furthermore, the enthusiasm I received for my design on the infographics definitely gave me confidence in that task and that field as a whole (as I hadn’t done it before).
Looking forward, I’ll be focusing mainly on communications through improving social media presence. I’ve only been working on this for 2 days, but I’m already heavily invested in coming up with new tactics in engaging the public with forwarding Lift’s mission. So far, I’ve taken a closer look at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Instagram and Twitter presence, as well as the feeds of nonprofit organizations with large followings like NARAL and Planned Parenthood. It’s been fascinating to dissect their posts in relation with their missions, and I look forward to applying these newfound realizations to Lift’s social media!