Newcomb Networking Night 2023: Bridging Generations and Physical Boundaries for Career Success

November 29, 2023
On November 8th, the Newcomb Alumnae Association celebrated the success of its second annual Newcomb Networking Night, a remarkable remote networking opportunity that brought together current Tulane students and accomplished alums. The event was not only a testament to the adaptability of the community but also a showcase of the association's commitment to fostering meaningful connections across generations.
The event boasted a substantial turnout, with approximately 75 attendees participating in six distinct sessions tailored to participant's professional interests. These sessions covered a diverse array of fields, including humanities, law, government, media and communications, business, entrepreneurship, and advice for recent graduates. The attendees, spanning graduation years from 1970 to 2027, represented a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise.
Feedback from participants underscored the positive impact of the event. "I loved getting to visit with alums and students in a safe, supportive space," remarked one participant. Anna Flynt Breaux, a graduate from the class of '99, expressed her satisfaction, stating, "It was really rewarding."
The geographical diversity of attendees added an extra layer of richness to the networking night, with the highest number of participants hailing from prominent locations such as Houston, Washington DC, and the greater New York City area. The event truly transcended physical boundaries, showcasing the global reach and influence of the Newcomb College and Newcomb Institute alumni network.
Among the diverse sessions offered, the Development and Nonprofit Administration session, as well as the Humanities, Law, and Government session, emerged as the most attended. Anita Raj, the Director of the Newcomb Institute, shared insights in the academia room, demonstrating the institute's commitment to providing students and alums with access to seasoned professionals.
Reflecting on the event, participants praised the opportunity to connect with fellow alumnae and gain insights into their varied career paths. "Meeting other alums and hearing about their careers. Lots of talent!!" enthused one attendee, encapsulating the sentiment of many who found the experience enriching and inspiring.
The success of the Newcomb Networking Night underscores the association's dedication to fostering a strong and supportive community that transcends the physical boundaries of New Orleans. As the Newcomb Alumnae Association continues to empower its students and alumni through initiatives like these, the impact on the broader community promises to be enduring and profound.