Newcomb Institute is an interdisciplinary academic center dedicated to leading the way in gender equity research and women’s empowerment by contributing evidence for social change and preparing the next generation of gender equity scholars and leaders. There are many ways Tulane faculty can engage with Newcomb Institute.
To be added to our faculty mailing list, please email Laura Wolford,
Newcomb Faculty Affiliates
Newcomb Faculty Affiliates are faculty members from across Tulane University who engage in research, teaching, or service that supports the work of Newcomb Institute. We encourage faculty from across disciplinary areas and all schools of Tulane University to be affiliates.
To apply to be a Newcomb Faculty Affiliate, click here.
Faculty members who work engages with reproductive rights, health, and justice are strongly encouraged to join our reproductive justice faculty working group.
Faculty Research and Teaching Grants
Newcomb Institute provides grants to support faculty research, cross-disciplinary education, and community engagement in research or teaching. We prioritize funding for grants that support the Newcomb Institute mission. We welcome grants from all schools across campus. These funds can be used for data collection, exhibition of work, or other research related expenses. Undergraduate research assistant funds are available through our Undergraduate Interns for Faculty program. More information on grants here.
Recognizing the strong tradition of Newcomb for the arts, we also have funding for art and music-focused projects each year under the Skau Art and Music Fund. For these grants, we have a strong preference for projects that involve and engage undergraduate students and that connect to the Newcomb Institute mission.
Preference for grant funding will be given to Newcomb Faculty Affiliates
Undergraduate Interns for Faculty Research
Newcomb Institute faculty affiliates can apply for funds toward the support of up to two undergraduate students to work on a faculty member’s research project. We welcome applications from faculty in any discipline and from all schools across campus. We prioritize funding for grants that support the Newcomb Institute mission.
Preference will be given to Newcomb Faculty Affiliates
Communications Support for Faculty Research and Events
Newcomb Institute maintains a strong social media presence and a staffed communications team to help elevate research and discourse on gender equity scholarly works as well as student and/or faculty events and activities focused on gender equity issues. We have a mechanism for faculty affiliates, staff, and scholar/student affiliates to be able to share information on their gender equity focused events and scholarly outputs for posting and sharing. Email for more information.
Current Newcomb Institute Faculty Affiliates
- Katherine Adams
- Laura Rosanne Adderley
- Khaled Adjerid
- Julie Albert
- Julie Alvarez
- Katherine Andrinopoulos
- Rebecca Atencio
- Evelyn Atkinson
- Carolyn Bayer
- Casey Beck
- Alana Bell
- Jasmijn Bol
- William Brumfield
- Patrick Button
- Amy Chaffee
- Huaizhong Chen
- Krystal Cleary
- Gretchen Clum
- Teresa Cole
- Shalean Collins
- Paul Colombo
- Michael Cunningham
- Clare Daniel
- Brandon Davis
- Kyle DeCoste
- Mollye Demosthenid
- Lisa Dilks
- Margaret Mary Downey
- Lauren Dunaway
- Allison Emmerson
- Emily Farrer
- Julia Fleckman
- Holly Flora
- Shuaihua Gao
- Georgina Gardiner
- Melissa Goldin Evans
- Melissa Gonzales
- Mykel Green
- Melanie Greene
- Jeanette Gustat
- Kelli Hall
- Karissa Haugeberg
- Julie Henriquez
- Julie Hernandez
- Laila Hlass
- Brian Horowitz
- Ilana Horwitz
- David Hotchkiss
- Jacquelyne Howard
- Elliott Isaac
- Katharine Jack
- Joan Jensen
- Katherine Johnson
- Ina Kaur
- Sally Kenney
- Christina Kiel
- Michelle Kohler
- Carla Laroche
- Katharine Lee
- Nghana Lewis
- Marva Lewis
- Jana Lipman
- Judith Maxwell
- Muira McCammon
- Felicia Mccarren
- Catherine McKinley
- Elisabeth McMahon
- Jenny Mercein
- Marilyn Miller
- Lisa Molix
- Mallory Monaco Caterine
- Laurie O'Brien
- Esra Ozcan
- Monica Payne
- Mauro Porto
- John "Ray" Proctor
- Shokufeh Ramirez
- Samuel Ramer
- Katherine Raymond
- Maybell Romero
- Amin Sabzehzar
- Marko Salvaggio
- Michelle Sanchez
- Mimi Schippers
- Leslie Scott
- Daniel Sharp
- Dale Shuger
- Martha Silva Acuna
- Jay Silverman
- Anneliese Singh
- Miekam Smart
- Keely Smith
- Aidan Smith
- Kristefer Stojanovski
- Jeni Stolow
- Shuhua Sun
- Selamawit Terrefe
- Katherine Theall
- Ryder Thornton
- Beverly Trask
- Sunshine Van Bael
- Brigham Walker
- Laura Waringer
- Michele White
- Meghan Saas
- Z'étoile Imma