#MyLASexEd’s Growth and Expansion

My name is Claire Kueffner, I am a senior studying Legal Studies at Tulane University and am currently in my second semester of interning for Lift Louisiana. Last semester I helped launch one of Lift’s newest campaigns, #MyLASexEd, which aims to collect stories about the sex ed experiences of students in Louisiana to ultimately try to change the policies to a more comprehensive sex ed system. This semester, I will be working on a few extensions of this campaign to help it grow and expand.

The first extension of the campaign that I am working on is expanding to other campuses all over Louisiana. Last semester I did a pilot launch of our selfie-taking campaign on Tulane’s campus, but this semester we intend to expand to other campuses throughout the state. We are currently working with students on LSU’s campus and working on building partnerships with Loyola and LSU Shreveport as well. I am so excited to watch a campaign that I helped create get all the way off the ground and spread statewide!

The next exciting expansion of the campaign comes from a series of small group discussions that we will be hosting and filming on Tulane’s campus. The goal here to is gather groups of students from all over the country and have small group discussions comparing and contrasting their sex ed experiences. This will both a) give us more insight and more detailed stories from students than we were collecting before and b) allow us to see what sex ed looks like nationwide, what works, what doesn’t and what we can push Louisiana to improve upon. Our first discussion will take place at the end of February, with more scheduled in both March and April. These discussions will be filmed and then edited down to use for social media, lobbying, advocacy and more.

I am so excited to watch the #MyLASexEd campaign grow and expand this semester. It is especially exciting as we will be in the legislative session and can perhaps lobby and push to make some of the changes that we want to see into realities. I am looking forward to seeing where this campaign goes!