Meet Elizabeth!
Elizabeth Laing is from Eugene, Oregon. She is a sophomore at Tulane pursuing a major in Public Health and minors in Spanish and Psychology. Her research interests are focused on reproductive and obstetric health as she hopes to become a Nurse Midwife one day. Elizabeth is thrilled to be working with Dr. Alyssa Lederer who works in the Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences at Tulane’s graduate school of Public Health. Together they will conduct a qualitative research project in the field of sexual health. Currently on campus she is a member of Chi Omega, Women and Youth Supporting Each other (WYSE), Tulane University Peer Health Educators (TUPHEs), and through the TUPHE program she serves as a Get Yourself Tested educator (GYTe). In her free time Elizabeth loves to explore the French Quarter, do a Barre3 workout in the studio on Magazine St., and spend time in nature to remind her of her home state.