Lobby Day at the Capitol with Lift Louisiana

I had an amazing time at Women on Wednesdays with my internship partner, Lift Louisiana, I took a trip with my boss to go to the Capital in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, May 28, 2019. On Tuesday, Louisiana Congressmen were suppose to vote on the 6-week abortion band. I got to meet my representative and ask them questions about their opinions on the ban. I got to meet other activists and that was definitely a highlight. We talked about the laws and how unfair they are. We talked about our hopes and dreams for Louisiana. We talked about what our Louisiana would look like if there was true liberation for everyone.  I saw national, state, and local media outlets interviewing so many activists, congressmen, and locals. I learned about the small details that dictate whether a bill becomes law. The details you don’t learn in school. I learned that the Capitol has a cafeteria and all the sandwiches are spinoffs of legislative lingo. I learned about the informal sanctions from others about not wearing business casual clothes. I experienced a lot of things about Louisiana and its people I would have never  know if it was not for my internship. I am so grateful for all the sponsors that fund this program. It means a lot to me.