Internship with the New Orleans Abortion Fund

My name is Alexandria Nichols (the one on left), and I’m a senior at Tulane University majoring in English, Psychology as well as Gender and Sexuality Studies. I am in the 4+1 Master’s program for English, so I have no plans of leaving New Orleans anytime soon. In addition to my academics, I’ve worked as Building Manager at the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC) for the past year. However, most of my time is spent contributing to Greek life on Tulane’s campus. I’m currently the president of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, but I’ve previously held countless other positions including membership educator, alumnae liaison, and signature-event chair. I am also the president of the Multicultural Greek Council, which I helped to reinstitute on Tulane’s campus this past year. Our central focus has been to integrate the council into the rest of the Greek community primarily through the promotion of diversity and inclusivity.

This semester, I’m extremely eager to work with NOAF as a fundraising intern. I hope to help establish connections with local universities through outreach and fundraising events as well as find donors in New Orleans who are able to recognize the importance of the organization’s work. I plan to not only utilize the many skills I’ve gained this past summer while working for the National Organization for Women – NYC as their Development Intern but to also improve them further as I continue my work as a fundraiser. While I learn more about the particular struggles that the women of New Orleans face on a daily basis, I know that I will only be that much more motivated to help them access their reproductive rights. I’ve always seen development as the foundation on which an organization is built, so I’m keen to learn about the particular strategies that NOAF and other non-profit organizations have found to work most effectively in the New Orleans area. Although I’m originally from Boston, I hope to stay in the Crescent City after graduation and to continue working for the indispensable organizations that defend the rights of all women, but especially those of women of color.