Interning at Planned Parenthood

Being an intern at the Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health Program is incredibly inspiring. This is my first term working with RRRH, and my intern site is at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. I get to work closely with people who are actively involved in social activism work on the topic of Reproductive Rights and Health.

My work centers on community outreach about safe and legal access to abortion in Lousiana. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast strives to provide affordable and high-quality healthcare along with sex-education for all, including reproductive health care. Planned Parenthood health center in New Orleans is currently waiting for the Lousianna State government to decide on granting permission to be an abortion clinc. Planned Parenthood also works to engage the community surrounding legislative information. PPGC allows me to explore my interest in social activism and health policies.

I have participated in a canvassing event with PPGC. I also organized PPGC’s database to analyze the pro-choice supporters geographically in New Orleans to engage them in the upcoming legislative events. It was inspiring to talk to community members with issues I passionate about such as legal and safe abortion access. People were friendly and open to share their thoughts even they may not fully agree or align with Parent Parenthood’s beliefs.