Feminist Camp
Meet Siena Farrar! She is a senior and is an NCI Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health Intern.
Describe yourself and why you wanted to attend the Feminist Camp:
I have been a self-identified feminist from a young age, and grew up surrounded by courageous and interesting women. I continued learning about intersectional feminism throughout college. I wanted to meet other like-minded individuals and learn from professionals about what a future in a progressive field would look like.
Describe your favorite parts of the conference:
I think my favorite part was the sense of security I gained for my future. As a second semester senior, I was anxious about what life after college would look like. I felt like I was in the famous scene in The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, where the main character stands before a fig tree and sees all the branches of her life. When she goes to pluck one, the rest whither away. After going to this camp and meeting people with such wildly varied careers, choices, and passions, sometimes all in one lifetime, I understand that I also have just as many opportunities and choices. A tree doesn’t die when you pick its fruit. It just makes more.
Highlight information you learned on reproductive health and reproductive justice:
I learned about so many aspects of reproductive health and justice outside of abortion. I enjoyed speaking to a member of the Doula Project, who inspired me to get doula certification. I also enjoyed speaking to a social worker from Spence-Chaplain, an adoption agency. She enjoyed her work and helped me gain a deeper understanding of an area of reproductive justice that is often overlooked.
Detail what you learned that you hope to never forget:
I hope to never forget that failure and success go hand in hand. It is okay to fail as long as you continue trying to succeed.
Why should other students attend a Feminist Camp:
It was a wonderful experience. Seeing someone I met in a documentary later that month really highlighted what an opportunity this was to meet successful professionals in varied careers.
Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Tulane undergraduate students can apply to NCI for funding to attend Feminist Camp. Email Betsy Lopez at elopez@tulane.edu for more information.
Responses have been lightly edited for length and clarity.