Dissemination Despite COVID-19

I am incredibly grateful to have been able to continue my work as a research assistant for Dr. Johnson and Dr. Lederer this semester due to the remote nature of my work. Besides transitioning our biweekly research team meetings to Zoom, most of my day-to-day research tasks have remained the same. We are in the midst of creating the final products for the study, the manuscripts, for our investigation into the impacts of a curricular intervention, “Sex, Power, and Culture,” on first-year students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding sexuality, sexual health, and sexual violence. We did experience an additional loss: we had originally planned to present our findings from the survey, journal entries, and interviews at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting this May, but very sadly that was cancelled due to the pandemic. Fortunately, the ACHA has elected to continue with the conference presentations, but virtually, so we will still have the opportunity to present our work online to the ACHA community. Nevertheless, this semester, I have primarily been working on dissemination-related tasks. Our team has now compiled a nearly complete internal report to be shared with stakeholders within the Tulane community. Within this project, I worked specifically on developing the interview methodology and analysis methodology sections as well as the graphics displaying the themes we coded for, which were adapted from those I developed for my Conceiving Equity poster. We are also working on several manuscripts for publication: one for our analysis of the journal entries and one for the interviews. For the interviews paper, I have been sifting through the passages that we pulled from our analysis of the interview transcripts to narrow down the most powerful and succinct quotes we would like to use for publication. I am excited to continue these dissemination efforts in the coming summer months!