Continuing with NOCAC
Hey y’all! I’m Kennedy Williams and this is my second semester with NCI Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights program. I have been at NOCAC since June, and it really feels like a family. I couldn’t imagine not coming back for this semester. The work we do isn’t always fun but it’s always worth it.
I continued working at the New Orleans Children’s Advocacy Center and Audrey Hepburn CARE Center. We continued our work in the community, by visiting local middle schools to teach students about Teens, Sex, and the Law. This was probably one of the most challenging part of my internship. Have you ever had to go teach 12 year olds about sex? It’s not easy. As a result, this semester I shifted my focus onto spreading our No Hit Zone initiative. I traveled again to local schools in the area but this time talked to teachers and parents about the harms of physical punishment.