Blog Post 2: Fair Housing

The last couple of weeks at the GNO Fair Housing Action Center have been incredible. I’ve helped to design some of the outreach materials for our Facebook page, including ones that use dating apps to appeal to queer youth and encourage them to learn more about their housing rights. This was done during the month of June to align with Pride, as a testament to the fact that Pride is about struggle for queer liberation centered on people of color, not just about a fun parade that caters to exclusively white LGBTQ people.

Last Friday, I drove to Baton Rouge to distribute some of the push cards featured here to organizations that we’ve been working with through the Louisiana Public Health Institute. It was my first time in BR, and it was an interesting experience to drive through the city. These dot maps show how segregated Baton Rouge and New Orleans are in housing, and highlights why it’s so important that work be done around fair housing.

However, this data is from 2010, so with the rapid rate of gentrification and rising cost of living, these maps have certainly shifted in the last seven years. They will be updated in 2020 with the new census data. If you’re interested in looking at more cities across the US, visit

I’ve also been conducting some workshops for first-time homebuyers. My first time doing a workshop on my own was this week, and while I was nervous, everything went well and the audience was very receptive. I have another one this Saturday.

Overall, this has been a wonderful experience so far!