Advancing Reproductive Rights: A Journey of Advocacy, Education, and Impact

Zoe Burnett at Planned Parenthood desk

The fall semester of 2024 marked my fifth semester as a Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health Intern with Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC). As a communications intern, my primary responsibilities involve managing social media platforms and promoting PPGC’s mission. Over these five semesters, I have helped grow PPGC’s presence on TikTok and Instagram by creating educational videos on topics such as sexual health, reproductive rights, legislative updates, and event promotion.

Each spring semester, my role shifts to focus on the legislative session. This includes monitoring committee schedules and bills to update the legislative tracker, researching the constitutional convention, editing content from events, writing talking points for PPGC initiatives, filming content, and brainstorming ideas for educational or advocacy videos.

One of the most significant projects I contributed to this semester was The 40 Years: Moving Forward exhibit. This collaborative effort between PPGC, Ten Nineteen, and the Newcomb Archives and Vorhoff Collection at Tulane University aims to deepen understanding of the historical context of reproductive rights in Louisiana and highlight the ongoing fight for freedom for all. My specific role involved researching policy and legislative developments that have shaped Planned Parenthood’s work in Louisiana. With over 200 restrictive laws enacted before the Dobbs decision, our mission remains critical: to educate people that the opposition has led a decades-long assault on reproductive rights, systematically chipping away at freedoms through a sustained and deliberate effort.

The exhibit showcased archival materials, interactive displays, personal stories, and an expansive timeline covering development, policy, advocacy, patient care, and the history of sex education. My fellow interns and I collaborated to research and develop timeline points and designed an exhibit feature depicting the stark contrast between the potential and current reality of sex education in Louisiana classrooms.

My passion lies in exploring Louisiana’s political landscape surrounding reproductive rights. After graduating from Tulane University, I plan to attend law school, where I aim to focus on policy and advocacy related to reproductive freedoms. This internship has been instrumental in shaping my future path, offering invaluable insights into the intersection of law, policy, and advocacy. It has also allowed me to build strong professional relationships with coworkers, fellow interns, and community partners who share a commitment to reproductive rights.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this semester has been connecting with other Tulane students who are equally passionate about reproductive freedoms. Along with the other PPGC interns, I served on the founding executive board of the newly established Planned Parenthood Generation Action Club as the Director of PR and Marketing. Our focus as a new organization is on community outreach, gaining members, and hosting events to foster engagement and advocacy.

My time as an intern with PPGC has been transformative. It has solidified my dedication to advancing reproductive rights and provided me with the tools, connections, and experiences to pursue my mission as a future lawyer.